About Us
Where passion meets abundance
To help charities achieve prosperity and heal the world.
Fordable Fundraising empowers nonprofit organizations to build better relationships, secure more resources, and transform communities through education, consulting, and grant writing.
Why We Do What We Do
Our world is rich with resources and yet, so many people are suffering.
Imagine a day when everyday tragedies are resolved. When ALL people have clean water, food and safe homes to live and play.
A world where safety nets catch us when we are struggling. A world that nurtures the human spirit and encourages us to realize our full potential.
It is largely the nonprofit sector shouldering the burden to resolve societies most pressing concerns. Nonprofits are where Americans turn to solve problems and they are in an every day battle to advance solutions on the issues we care about most.
Studies have found the persistent lack of investment in overhead (staff training, technology, performance evaluation, systems) has stripped away ability to achieve societal impact. All this lack of capacity contributes to turnover of staff, poor donor retention, persistent misconceptions about fundraising and tragically, the limited ability to gather resources and resolve the problems of the world.
At Fordable Fundraising we are building nonprofit capacity and empowering nonprofit leaders to achieve greater mission impact. We are helping leaders weave together their dreams for a brighter future for people and our planet.
Fordable Fundraising was founded in 2014 by fundraising expert Janeal Ford. Ford had a lengthy and successful career in nonprofit fundraising having worked and volunteered with several organizations. Looking for growth and advancement, she founded the company as Fordable Freelance when she took her first client, Culture Shock, San Diego. In March 2018, the company was incorporated as Fordable Fundraising.
There are 1.3 million nonprofits across the United States with 88% operating with less than $500,000 in income annually.
Most are severely under resourced with 50% operating with less than one month of cash reserves.