Want to Reach Peak Performance in Fundraising?
Navigating Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes

Navigating Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes

Driving Nonprofit Success Ever set out to a new destination and forget your trusty GPS as a guide? The feeling of uncertainty and wandering can be unnerving, even to the most experienced travelers. As our team works with you to craft your case for support or grant...
Impact Unleashed Harness the Power of Data

Impact Unleashed Harness the Power of Data

Ready to turn your non-profit into a powerhouse of resources and change? It’s time to tap into the power of data!   Step 1: The Four C’s of Data Think of data as your trusty sidekick. Collect, clean, and compile that data into a sleek, uniform format....
Strengthen Fundraising With An Abundance Mindset

Strengthen Fundraising With An Abundance Mindset

Janeal Ford, MPA, CFREIf there is one thing that can positively or negatively impact success in fundraising, it is how we think about it. If you want to get serious about raising more money for your nonprofit, and have an easy time doing it, you need to become aware...